Are you interested in becoming Catholic? RCIA is for you!
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an adaptation of the traditions of the early Church in bringing new members into the Catholic community. It is a process by which the candidates enter into the Catholic community by entering a step-by-step process toward full membership in the Church. The RCIA program is open to anyone who wishes to explore the Catholic faith but has not completed the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). Those who are practicing Catholics who wish to learn more about their faith and renew their commitment to Christ are also invited to join this group as sponsors in both English and Spanish.
For more information, please call the Church Office at 254-634-7878.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Adult Confirmation Classes for the RCIA and Adult Confirmation will begin on Thursday September 7th in the new Catholic Charities building. If you are wanting to become Catholic, coming from another faith , or have had no religious upbringing, or you are an Adult Catholic and you do not have Baptism or Holy Communion or Confirmation( or any combination of these Sacraments) please sign up on the Church website We will meet on Thursdays starting on September 7th until May 16th with a long Christmas break and another one at Spring break. Yes, this is a BIG commitment, but the eternal rewards are beyond measure. If you have questions, see and speak with Deacon Jim Rodgers or call him at (254)702-3709. Our RCIA/ Adult Confirmation program has allowed hundreds of parishioners to receive catechetical instruction and then receive the Sacraments they worked so hard for. And the good news is your instructors are the clergy. GOD BLESS YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY TO CHRIST. AMEN
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) y Confirmación de Adultos Las clases para el RICA y la Confirmación de Adultos comenzarán el jueves 7 de septiembre en el nuevo edificio de Caridades Católicas. Si desea convertirse en católico, proviene de otra fe, o no ha tenido una educación religiosa, o es un católico adulto y no tiene el bautismo, la sagrada comunión o la confirmación (o cualquier combinación de estos Sacramentos), regístrese en el Sitio web de la iglesia Nos reuniremos los jueves a partir del 7 de septiembre hasta el 16 de mayo con un largo receso de Navidad y otro en el receso de primavera. Sí, este es un GRAN compromiso, pero las recompensas eternas son inconmensurables. Si tiene preguntas, vea y hable con el Diácono Jim Rodgers o llámelo al (254)702-3709. Nuestro programa RICA/Confirmación de Adultos ha permitido que cientos de feligreses reciban instrucción catequética y luego reciban los Sacramentos por los que trabajaron tan duro. Y la buena noticia es que sus instructores son el clero. DIOS LES BENDIGA EN SU VIAJE HACIA CRISTO. AMÉN